Meet Wizkid’s Sexy Younger Sister Lade Balogun (PHOTO)


Dated: August 6th, 2013

Nigerian superstar, Ayodeji Balogun known to many as Wizkid has a sister and her name is Lade. A source close to the family divulged to us that Lade is cherished by Wizkid and he doesn’t joke with his sister with nobody. Lade attends one of the very expensive schools in the South West of Nigeria.

About austyn04

I'm just that outgoing fun-loving guy with heart full of love for family, friends, and my environment. I dislike cowardice, discrimination and intimidation, avoid regrets too. I am freaked about gadgets and customized clothing, plus I love shopping. I am short tempered, kind hearted and friendly. I was born in Minna, Niger state and hail from Edo state, Nigeria. I speak the three major languages in Nigeria. I have bagged my first degree in Health from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. I moved to Lagos in 2013 where I've worked as an IT consultant and entrepreneur. I enjoy writing, poetry, history, animal documentaries, motivational messages and audiobooks, a few regular TV shows and I also love contemporary gospel music and jazz. Currently I work in information technology under the yoke of Corporate Rule... What else, this is beginning to look pretty frivolous, I like outdoor activities and sports, and I admire conviction and passion in anyone. I dislike people that throw facts around without basis, or that try to validate themselves by throwing up hypotheticals, that to me is the most annoying thing ever. I guess I'm more human than I thought. I currently live in Lagos. Life here is on a fast-lane. Anyways, that is pretty much me.

Posted on September 12, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. I will like to meet wizkid, looking for him everywhere but to no avail I wish to see him😫😫


  2. I want to see wizkid pls


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