Meet Dr Olurotimi Badero, a 47 years old world renowned Nigerian Doctor

The world’s first and only combined heart and kidney specialist is 47 year old Nigerian, Dr Olurotimi Badero

He is one of the world’s top specialists in internal medicine, cardiovascular medicine, invasive & interventional cardiology, nephrology and hypertension, interventional nephrology & endovascular medicine, nuclear cardiology as well as peripheral vascular interventions

Born in Lagos Nigeria, he studied medicine at the OAU Ife, furthered his education in internal medicine at the University of New York, earned his specialty degree in nephrology at Emory University in Atlanta

When he found out that the commonest cause of death for the patients was heart disease and not kidney disease, he decided to make a difference in that field, went back to specialise in cardiology at SUNY to earn his specialty degree in cardiology. in 2009, he went to Yale University for 3 more specialties in interventional cardiology, peripheral vascular medicine and peripheral vascular convention. Altogether, spending 10 unprecedented years of continuous post-graduate medical training

He got an award for excellence in cardiology in 2008 from the Association of Black Cardiologists. Was recently named one of Jackson Mississippi’s Best Surgeons

He is currently on the editorial board of the International Journal of Nephrology & Renovascular Disease

He is the Executive Director of Cardiac Renal & Vascular Associates, the Medical Director of St. Joseph Hospice, and on the global Advisory Board of the therapeutics experts on Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis, Merck Pharmaceuticals USA
To achieve all these and survive for years in the US, he joined his uncle’s cab business and drove a cab during the day, and studied at night. He did not have money to buy books, but always used the library. At a time, he had to eat only bread for 3 days

The minimum pass mark for every course was 90% and he couldn’t afford to have a resit because of the cost, so he had no choice but to study extra hard to excel
You may not be a Dr Badero, but you can find your own original calling. Take the responsibility to make a change. The world is waiting for you

#AfricanGoodNews #ForAfricaByAfricans #black

About austyn04

I'm just that outgoing fun-loving guy with heart full of love for family, friends, and my environment. I dislike cowardice, discrimination and intimidation, avoid regrets too. I am freaked about gadgets and customized clothing, plus I love shopping. I am short tempered, kind hearted and friendly. I was born in Minna, Niger state and hail from Edo state, Nigeria. I speak the three major languages in Nigeria. I have bagged my first degree in Health from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. I moved to Lagos in 2013 where I've worked as an IT consultant and entrepreneur. I enjoy writing, poetry, history, animal documentaries, motivational messages and audiobooks, a few regular TV shows and I also love contemporary gospel music and jazz. Currently I work in information technology under the yoke of Corporate Rule... What else, this is beginning to look pretty frivolous, I like outdoor activities and sports, and I admire conviction and passion in anyone. I dislike people that throw facts around without basis, or that try to validate themselves by throwing up hypotheticals, that to me is the most annoying thing ever. I guess I'm more human than I thought. I currently live in Lagos. Life here is on a fast-lane. Anyways, that is pretty much me.

Posted on July 27, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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