Niger State: The Industrial Revolution

Niger State is about to jump start Nigeria’s industrial revolution by virtue of their landmass. Mainstream Energy and Hydropolis who manage our dams in Niger have signed a whooping N200bn deal to build industrial park. The owners of the 524 hectares land have been compensated.More images below;

About austyn04

I'm just that outgoing fun-loving guy with heart full of love for family, friends, and my environment. I dislike cowardice, discrimination and intimidation, avoid regrets too. I am freaked about gadgets and customized clothing, plus I love shopping. I am short tempered, kind hearted and friendly. I was born in Minna, Niger state and hail from Edo state, Nigeria. I speak the three major languages in Nigeria. I have bagged my first degree in Health from the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. I moved to Lagos in 2013 where I've worked as an IT consultant and entrepreneur. I enjoy writing, poetry, history, animal documentaries, motivational messages and audiobooks, a few regular TV shows and I also love contemporary gospel music and jazz. Currently I work in information technology under the yoke of Corporate Rule... What else, this is beginning to look pretty frivolous, I like outdoor activities and sports, and I admire conviction and passion in anyone. I dislike people that throw facts around without basis, or that try to validate themselves by throwing up hypotheticals, that to me is the most annoying thing ever. I guess I'm more human than I thought. I currently live in Lagos. Life here is on a fast-lane. Anyways, that is pretty much me.

Posted on July 28, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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